Veterans Day Event Salute to LTC Kettels Medal of Honor Awardee

A Veterans Day event will take place in the Ann Arbor area on November 11, 2016, which will include a special speaking presentations to LTC Charles Kettels a recent Medal of Honor awardee for his service in Viet Nam. LTC Kettels lives locally in Ypsilanti. Any members who might be able to attend this event can help represent the Michigan Chapter VHPA.


The above flyer for the event which runs from 0900 to 2100 hours on 11 November. There will be three times that folks who know LTC Kettles may especially appreciate:
· 0900 in the gym, there will be a meet and greet which Kettles will attend.
· 1030 in the chapel, there will be a ceremony where a US flag that was flown over the US Capitol building on 4 July 2016 will be dedicated to LTC Kettles and Michigan Veterans. That flag will be presented to LTC Kettles then as well.
· 1100 in the Black Box, there will be a free meal for Veterans (and one guest if they register in advance – see the flyer) at which LTC Kettles will be a featured speaker.
There will be other activities throughout the day, and LTC Kettles will be present until at least 1700. If you members are unable to attend any of these three events, they will still have a chance to link up with Kettles at these other activities.

Thank you for passing this information forward.
Jon Luker